Analyze Working Group

Updated April 2024

Advance scholarship to improve veterinary education and professional development in teaching and assessment.

Identify and prioritize a series of key scholarly studies that are necessary to evaluate the efficacy of a Competency-Based Veterinary EducationConduct an implementation pilot study of a workplace-based assessment of entrustment for learners with vo…
  • Identify and prioritize a series of key scholarly studies that are necessary to evaluate the efficacy of a Competency-Based Veterinary Education

  • Conduct an implementation pilot study of a workplace-based assessment of entrustment for learners with volunteer accredited veterinary medicine programs

  • Establish guidelines for a “toolbox” of learner assessments for use in competency-based veterinary programs including didactic and workplace-based performance assessments with sample instruments of a variety of assessment types


Jared Danielson - Iowa State University

Jonathan Foreman - University of Illinois


Michelle Coleman - University of Georgia

Katherine Fogelberg - Virginia-Maryland University

Ariana Hinckley-Boltax - Tufts University

Jennie Hodgson - Virginia-Maryland University

Shane Lyon - Kansas State University

Regina Schoenfeld - North Carolina State University