CBVE Implementation Strategies
Updated March 2025
Using CBVE in your program
When implementing the CBVE Model, it is critical to maintain fidelity to the model to allow evaluation of its effectiveness. According to medical education literature, fidelity of implementation broadly includes the following five core components:
clearly articulated outcomes;
sequenced progression of learning;
tailored learning experiences;
competency-focused instruction;
programmatic assessment.1
The CBVE Competency Framework provides clearly articulated outcomes for the learner. Milestones describe the expected progression of learners from early training (Pre-Novice 1 and 2) to graduation (Competent) and beyond (Proficient). Tailored learning experiences allow for flexibility in time spent in training, recognizing that learners may not progress at the same rate across all competencies. A learner struggling with a specific competency will take more time to achieve competence. Building in curricular time for additional practice and reassessment (i.e., remediation) is critical to support learner progress. Competency-focused instruction involves teaching to program outcomes and providing feedback to support individual learner progress. Programmatic assessment provides useful feedback to learners by gathering longitudinal data across multiple assessments to support evidence-based decisions on learner progression and achievement of program outcomes. Programmatic assessment is supported by review of critical data with a committee devoted to progress decisions. Faculty development and change management strategies are essential to support the adoption of CBVE.
Over time, fidelity of implementation of the CBVE Model, standardization of assessment forms, and data sharing across institutions will enable evaluation of the CBVE Model and related educational interventions. These efforts, accompanied by scholarly work, will advance the field of veterinary education.
This section provides practical guidelines for helping institutions and faculty implement the CBVE Model as they engage in activities such as the following:
Curriculum mapping and alignment in the curricular review process;
Curriculum redesign;
Opportunities for customization of the CBVE Model;
Assessment in the pre-clinical environment;
Assessment in the workplace;
1. Van Melle E, Frank JR, Holmboe ES, Dagnone D, Stockley D, Sherbino J; International Competency-based Medical Education Collaborators. A Core Components Framework for Evaluating Implementation of Competency-Based Medical Education Programs. Acad Med. 2019 Jul;94(7):1002-1009. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002743. PMID: 30973365.