Outreach Working Group

Updated April 2024

Engage, influence, and educate stakeholders in veterinary education on CBVE to encourage its adoption and acceptance.


  • Engage, influence and educate other key stakeholders on the value of CBVE

  • Influence accreditation to support outcomes-based education

  • Influence licensure and the veterinary profession to support outcomes-based

  • Ensure best evidence on outcomes-based education is available to the veterinary community


Heidi Banse - Louisiana State University

Jessica Meekins - Kansas State University


Kristin Chaney - Texas A&M University

Jennie Hodgson - Virginia-Maryland University

Lucinda Dixon - University of Georgia

Hussein el-Maghraby - Egypt

Melinda Frye - Colorado State University

Laura Molgaard - University of Minnesota

Emma Read - The Ohio State University

Rosanne Taylor - University of Sydney

Angela Tennison - Boehringer-Ingelheim

Joie Watson - University of California