CBVE Terminology
A Common Language for Developing the CBVE Shared Mental Model
Created December 2020, updated March 2025.
An ongoing process of gathering information about a learner’s knowledge, skills, and /or behavior. (ACGME, 2013)
Learned personal evaluations of a specified object, with the object being anything from a value to a belief, person, event, product, policy, institution or other identifiable “thing.”
(Eagly and Chaiken, 1993, 2005; O’Keefe, 2002; Rokeach, 1968; Thomas and Znaniecki, 1918)
A defined standard or point of reference against which performance may be compared, measured or assessed. (Thomas and Peng, 2004; Caraccio et al 2002)
The process of comparing an individual or cohort against a defined standard of performance. (Wilkinson et al., 2015)
A summative assessment of a learner’s cumulative knowledge from a program of study which often represents the conclusion of a phase of activity or a transition point within a program. (Lee and Loton, 2019).
The array of abilities (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) across multiple domains or aspects of performance in a certain context; statements about competence require descriptive qualifiers to define the relevant abilities, context, and stage of training. Competence is multi-dimensional and dynamic; it changes with time, experience, and setting. (Frank et al., 2010).
Possessing the minimum required abilities in all domains in a certain context at a defined stage of veterinary education, training, or practice (Frank et al., 2010); CBVE milestone level of achievement on continuum of learner progression representing the expectation for day-one practice at the time of graduation.
An observable ability of a health professional related to a specific activity that integrates knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes. Since competencies are observable, they can be measured and assessed to ensure their acquisition. (Frank et al., 2010.
An outcomes-based approach to the design, implementation, assessment, and evaluation of veterinary programs, using an organized framework of competencies. (Adapted Frank et al., 2010; AAVMC 2018).
A group of educators that collects and evaluates learner assessment data to ensure level- appropriate progress and makes recommendations or decisions for advancement. (Monrad et al., 2019)
An organized and structured representation of a set of interrelated and purposeful competencies. (Willet, 2012).
A relational database that links elements in a curriculum including content, delivery, and assessment to its intended program outcomes. (Harden, 2001)
The process of creating the relational database with the goal of aligning content, delivery, and assessment with program outcomes. (Harden, 2001)
Competencies required at the time of graduation; synonymous with “entry-level competencies”. (Welsh et al., 2009
Broad distinguishable areas of competence that together constitute a general descriptive framework for a profession. (Englander et al., 2013)
An essential task of a discipline a learner can be trusted to perform with limited supervision, in a given context and with respect to regulatory requirements, once sufficient competence has been demonstrated. (Adapted from Englander et al., 2017)
Trustworthiness in applying knowledge, skills, and attitudes in performance of an EPA; students must consistently demonstrate attributes such as conscientiousness, knowledge of their own limits, help-seeking behavior, and truthfulness. (Kennedy et al., 2008; AAMC, 2017)
A scale used to characterize the level of supervision needed by a trainee during a workplace- based activity which reflects their progression towards independent practice. (Rekman et al., 2016)
The systematic collection and analysis of information related to the design, implementation, and outcomes of a program, for the purpose of monitoring and improving the quality and effectiveness of the program. (cited in Frye and Hemmer, 2012)
Specific information about the comparison between aspects of a trainees’ observed performance and expected performance or standard given with the intent to improve or reinforce the trainee’s performance; provided as an opportunity to enhance self-efficacy for making progress and set an action plan. (Van de Ridder et al., 2008; Carr et al., 2018)
Assessment of learners with the primary purpose of providing feedback for improvement as well as reinforcing skills and behaviors that meet established criteria and standards without passing a judgment in the form of a permanently recorded grade or score. (ACGME, 2013)
Lacking the required abilities to carry out a context-specific task at a predetermined performance level for a defined stage of veterinary education, training, or practice. (Englander et al., 2017)
A specific, active statement defining what an instructor intends to teach during a learning session or program.
The observable and assessable achievements that learners are able “to do” at the end of the learning session or program. (Schoenfeld-Tacher R, Sims M, 2013) (https://engaged.cornell.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Designing-SMART-Learning-Objectives.pdf)
A defined, observable marker of an individual’s ability along a developmental continuum. (Englander et al., 2017)
A collection of artifacts representing a students’ work across a program; used for multiple purposes including student assessment and providing students with feedback, a repository of student work, reflection and achievement, and highlighting one’s achievements. (Driessen et al., 2007)
An intentionally designed assessment system (formative and summative) in which the longitudinal development of learning is visible to the student as actionable feedback and which provides rich data for informed holistic decision making on progression. (van der Vleuten C et al., 2018)
An assessment of functional knowledge that is repeated longitudinally across a program. (Wrigley et al., 2012; Van der Vleuten et al., 1996)
A scoring tool consisting of a narrative description of criteria for different levels of achievement used for judging the quality of performance. (Reddy and Andrade, 2010)
A specific task or activity that can be performed by individuals (practitioners/learners) which requires previous training, experience or practice; skills may be categorized as technical/clinical and nontechnical/professional skills.
Used to more clearly define each competency; considered more granular than competencies; may be used to develop course or rotation objectives and assessments, and represent examples of content that may be modified or refined by individual schools to highlight local context.
An assessment with the primary purpose of establishing whether or not performance measured at a single defined point in time meets established performance standards; recorded permanently in the form of a grade or score. (ACGME, 2013)
A set of principles or standards of behavior that reflect what an individual believes is important in life and influences their choices and behaviors.